First steps with Decidim
Decidim is a digital platform
for citizen participation
Installing Decidim
You can install it yourself or find someone to help you with tech support.
The right tool for you
For big or small organisations, discover how Decidim can cater to your needs.
Decidim in your city
If your city is thinking of deploying participatory policies, find out how you can convince them to do it.
Is Decidim the right tool for you?
Decidim’s flexible features are designed to serve both small and large collectives, public and private organisations, with hundreds or thousands of potential users.
Explore all featuresBacked by technology, democracy and experience
Stadt Helsinki
We evaluated seven different kinds of participatory budgeting options to find the right platform to support...
Read the case studyCode for Japan
Decidim provides customize-friendly architecture so that we can adapt it to our domestic situation.
Read the case studyRead more case studies on our blog
Who’s behind the platform?
Metadecidim is the community that collaborates in the design of the platform and the development of the project. Together we design and create new features and report bugs for continuous improvement of the platform.
The Decidim Free Software Association is a democratic association for the governance of the Decidim community.
Part of what makes Decidim so powerful is that it adds a level of abstraction to the work separating out the steps of a process and the activities associated with the process. That’s part of the information architecture, so that not only you are saying what is happening at each step but different parts of Decidim behave differently depending on when you are doing or depending on what step in the process you are in. The fact that that’s customizable really allows Decidim to be moulded to how we are doing our work and not our work to be moulded.
Die Entscheidung Merida digitale Plattform war eine Gelegenheit, die wie nie zuvor die Mechanismen der Bürgerbeteiligung für die Ausarbeitung des Stadtentwicklungsplans von Me rida 2018-2021 eröffnet wurde. Wir hatten mehr als 3.000 Bürgerinteraktionen einschließlich Vorschläge, Kommentare, Anregungen und Unterstützung, dass das Erreichen des größtmöglichen Konsens darüber, was für unsere Stadt am besten ist. Zweifellos wird die Decide Me rida Plattform weiterhin unser Verbündeter sein, um Me rida zu einer zunehmend partizipativen Gesellschaft zu machen.
Fast jeder partizipatorische Prozess, der an unseren Tisch gekommen ist, ist es uns gelungen, ihn nach den Geschäftsregeln von Decidim zu lösen. Als Werkzeug ist es ein sehr starkes Werkzeug. Der Teil, der uns jedoch am stärksten und am wichtigsten erscheint, ist seine Gemeinschaft, sowohl Entwickler als auch diejenigen, die es für partizipative Prozesse verwenden. Die Koexistenz mit ihnen hat uns veranlaßt, die Herausforderungen zu erkennen, die mit der Umsetzung der partizipatorischen Demokratie in der realen Welt verbunden sind.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
I want to fund the project. How can I proceed?
Yes you can! Decidim is a non profit project and for the moment it depends completely on funding. Please find all details to fund the project at OpenCollective
How can I get more information about the Decidim Association?
In the general assembly of the Decidim Association you can find more info abous us, follow the activity of the meetings and check relevant information (statutes, legal agreements, the internal regulations)
What are the differences with Consul Project / Decide Madrid?
There are many differences: features, flexibility, architecture, modularity, etc. We have published a post to try to answer this question.
What can a participant (user) of Decidim do?
Decidim makes it possible for thousands of people to organize themselves democratically by making proposals, attending public meetings, fostering decision-making discussions, deciding through different forms of voting and monitoring the implementation of decisions.