"Decidim" and the Decidim logo are registered trademarks of Associació de Software Lliure Decidim. You may not use these trademarks in a commercial setting to infer that your product or service is endorsed or associated with Decidim without permission. You may use these marks to refer to Decidim in a way where it's clear that you're simply referring to the project, not claiming endorsement or association.
If you’re using the Decidim logo in any way you need to add the following text: "Decidim name and logo is a registered trademark of the Associació de Software Lliure Decidim."
We have developed this trademark usage policy with the following goals in mind:
- We’d like to make it easy for anyone to use the Decidim name or logo for community-oriented efforts that help spread and improve Decidim.
- We’d like to make it clear how Decidim-related businesses and projects can (and cannot) use the Decidim name and logo.
- We’d like to make it hard for anyone to use the Decidim name and logo to unfairly profit from, trick or confuse people who are looking for official Decidim resources.
Examples of use that do not need permission
- Including the Decidim logo on product pages to say "we work with Decidim" (e.g., hosting, consultancy services, developments based on Decidim).
- Use of the trademark "Decidim" in book titles and research articles.
- Use of the Decidim logo in the footer of an instance (“Powered by Decidim”).
Examples of use that do need permission
- Selling merchandise (stickers, t-shirts, mugs, etc).
- Use of the Decidim logo on a book cover.
- Use of the Decidim logo in a header in a website, implying that you’re the Decidim organization.
Examples of use that will not get permission
- Naming your company or product after Decidim, like "The Decidim Consultants".
この商標ポリシーページは、Ruby on RailsとWordpress Foundationをベースに作成されています。
現在、世界中の都市や団体で利用されています。実際には、NGO、大学、労働組合、協同組合、町内会など、どのようなグループでも使用することができます。現在アクティブなインスタンスの完全なリスト を確認してください。
How often is the platform updated?
We release a new version approximately every month. See the record of versions.
— オンラインデモを利用して、Decidimプラットフォームを自由に触れてみてください