Decidim is a digital platform for citizen participation
Free/libre, open and safe technology.
With all democratic guarantees.
Reprogramming democracy is now possible with Decidim.
Strategic planning
Procese participative
Initiatives and citizen consultations
Participatory budgeting
Networked communication
Decidim ajută cetăţenii, organizaţiile şi instituţiile publice să se autoorganizeze democratic la toate nivelurile.
Implementing a flexible democratic system
We can help configure a system of democratic governance in all kinds of organizations.
Our featuresWe take democracy very seriously
Decidim ensures transparency, traceability and integrity of information like never before. It provides security, privacy and confidentiality to all participants.
Social contractIt's yours. Use it. Share it. Improve it.
A platform designed entirely with free software, open and collaborative content thanks to the Metadecidim community.
The communityWe suffer under a lack of public space. It's particularly important that we reclaim these public spaces for us. Open platforms such as Decidim do exactly that. Is not only that is open source so other people can fork it, reuse it and build a process. It also has these values that we want to reflect in our society encoded in the way it's designed.
Kasia Odrozek
Fundația Mozilla
The process started in October 2019 at the European Commission’s DG Communication and eDemocracy unit at the Joint Research Centre, the European Commission's science and knowledge service. An analysis of the needs of the Conference and which tools fit those, lead to choosing the open source tool Decidim for its technical maturity, broad community and adaptability.
Sivan Pätsch
OpenForum Europe Research Director, European Union
Platforma digitală Decide Meeartha a fost o oportunitate care a fost mai deschisă ca niciodată înainte de mecanismele de participare a cetățenilor la elaborarea Planului de Dezvoltare Municipală al MeThererida 2018-2021. Am avut peste 3.000 de interacţiuni între cetăţeni, inclusiv propuneri, comentarii, sugestii și sprijin pentru obținerea celui mai mare consens posibil cu privire la ce este mai bine pentru orașul nostru. Fără îndoială, platforma Decide Me·rida va continua să fie aliatul nostru pentru a transforma Meτ rida într-o societate din ce în ce mai participativă.
Renán A. Barrera Concha
Președintele municipal al orașului Me·rida Yucataouncn, Mexic.
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