
Metadecidim, comunitatea noastră

O comunitate democratică care gestionează proiectul Decidim în toate dimensiunile sale

Metadecidim este o comunitate care colaborează la proiectarea platformei şi la construcţia proiectului. Împreună putem proiecta și dezvolta noi caracteristici și raporta erorile pentru îmbunătățirea continuă a platformei.
Propose and help define new features
Report bugs and help the developers fix them
Help shape the future of the platform
The Decidim Community during the Decidim Fest 2021
Întrebări frecvente
Where can I find the project roadmap and the planned features?
Who is currently using Decidim?

It is currently used by cities and organizations worldwide. In fact, any group of people can use it, whether it is an NGO, university, trade union, cooperative, neighbourhood association, etc. Check the complete list of currently active instances.

I have ideas for new improvement features. I want to have a better understanding of the project. What can I do?

You can collaborate in multiple ways. One of them is through the Metadecidim community. If you want to propose new features, go here. If you have detected errors and want to notify them, go to this process. If you want to actively participate in the Metadecidim community, you can attend Community Meetings. Register as a participant of the community and participate with us. If your thing is the code, come to Github. If you are a researcher, you might be interested in coming to the LAB Metadecidim Seminars.

What does it mean that Decidim is for free, "libre" and open source?

Decidim is a platform for citizen participation made by the people and for people. Its source code is open and can be inspected, modified, and enhanced by anyone. The Decidim software is covered by the AGPL license. That means that you can use it, modify it and redistribute derived versions of it as long as you respect the AGPL license.

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